Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer 2012!

The youth spent a lot of time this summer serving, praying, singing and just having a great time!!! We all had a super great time together and we have all become much closer! Thanks parents for all of your support this summer! Here are a few pictures to tell about our amazing times together!

 Serving at Peaceful Grounds!



 Christmas in July!

 Camping 4 days together!
 Lots of Starbucks!
 Random dance parties!
Cooling off after a hard days work! 
 The Fest!
 Building a playground in Akron!
 Adopted a new favorite color!
 Ate at our first Tapas Restaurant 
 Learning something new!
Being silly!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Just Getting Started...

We've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in our hearts....

Youth and parent volunteers at Alive.

Kids at VBS celebrating all things orange!
Thanks for joining us as we journey together to find the joy of Jesus amidst the chaos of life!